1 Week Prior to Treatment:
Avoid sun exposure and tanning, sunburned skin will not be treated.
Stop using all skin irritants (glycolic/salicylic acids, benzoyl peroxide, retinol product such as Retin A, Triluma, Differin, and Vitamin C) on the area’s being treated. 2-3 days before.
Do not have Botox 2 weeks prior to treatment
Advise staff of current and prior medical conditions and or treatment.
Advise staff if your pregnant or nursing
Advise Staff of current medications including antibiotics (certain antibiotics can make your skin photosensitive)
Post-Care/Home Care Instructions
DO NOT PICK!!! This may cause hyperpigmentation or scarring
If the area is still irritated by end of the day, apply a cold compress for10 minutes then moisturize with LuxMDTM
Use LuxMDTM 2-3 times per day 24-48 hours after initial crust or after skin tag or fibromas fall off
Post-treatment skin will be pink and very sensitive down time is approx. 7-10 days of crusting
Avoid vigorous exercise, hot tubs, pools, sauna or steam for 24-48hours after treatment
Do not apply make-up, creams, lotions, oils or essential oils 24-48 hours to treated area
Avoid direct sun light immediately following treatment, SPF 30 or higher sunscreen must be applied 10 minutes prior to sun exposureand worn everyday rain or shine
DO NOT USE retinol or any form of vitamin A or peeling products, or bleaching products until fully healed. Use mild alcohol-free products only.
Pat dry instead of rubbing to prevent removal of crust
Keep skin clean and protected to avoid infection
If skin becomes painful or redness persist, please contact us immediately.
I agree that I am willing to follow these instructions given by my esthetician for home care. I will be responsible for following home regimens that can minimize or eliminate possible negative reactions, including recognizing the importance of adhering to sunscreen and avoiding the sun/tanning booths. I agree to use LuxMDTM or any other post treatment medical repair balm.
In the event I have any questions, or a problem occurs I will immediately call my esthetician. I understand that this is an elective procedure, performed solely for cosmetic purposes, and is not critical to my health.